Hello any blog readers I have! Sorry for neglecting this lovely blog. I did have grand plans for character profiles and things. Hopefully they'll still happen. But lately I've been super busy... Making a film, helping choreograph a musical, and falling in love. ;)
This is my first Valentine's Day that I actually get to celebrate with someone else (other than my wonderful family)! In honor of the day, I'm posting some Narnia videos I have made that are sort of romantic in nature. And also changing the theme of the blog, because Christmas is long over!
Caspian/Susan - If I Loved You (PC)
King Caspian - Storm
Horns and Horses AU - Think of Me (PC)
Caspian/Liliandil - Angel (VDT)
There are no links or videos! Gasp/sob!
Oh, and congratulations. ;D
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